10 HOLIDAY TIPS For Staying Focused On Your Goals

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Whatever holiday you are planning, consider the following to stay with the lifestyle changes you have made or are working on. Here are some ideas to take the good habits on holiday with you.

  1. Breathing – Re-focus on your goals on waking up in the morning by taking one or two deep relaxing breaths. It will help and support you to start the day in a calm way.
  2. Eat and drink mindfully – Keep hydrated in the sun and if you are ...
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Eating to beat stress

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Chronic stress can have a negative effect on our physical health as well as our mental wellbeing. It can play a role in our susceptibility to illness and disease, but also in day-to-day functional problems such as pain and stiffness.

There are of course many steps we can take to improve our ability to cope with stress. Today we’re focusing on the role of nutrition – what and how to eat to better manage stress.

Balancing your blood sugar

To cope well with ...

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Learn To Breathe To Reduce Stress

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Our modern ways of living mean that our every lifestyle puts us in an almost constant state of excitement, whether we have something to be genuinely thrilled about or not!  This can cause emotional problems including irritability, anger, and depression along with physical symptoms like headaches and stomach aches. Luckily, simply learning to breathe using certain techniques can help you to alleviate these issues.

Many people that I see are suffering from stress in some way or another, whether this is ...

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Helping to ease sleeplessness

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Do you struggle to sleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Do you find you are unable to go back to sleep as the troubles of work start to ruminate in your mind?

If the answer to any of these questions is a resounding ‘yes’, then Clinical Solution Focused Hypnotherapy may be helpful for you!

A course of sessions, each lasting an hour, are designed to be able to ease insomnia and help clients have a more restful ...

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How stress in work can lead to stress generally

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Are you affected by stress to do with work or in life generally? If work related, do you find yourself working long hours? Perhaps you feel stressed by too many deadlines? If any of these applies to you Clinical Solution Focused Hypnotherapy may be able to help you feel calmer, brighter, and happier about life.

One of the most common reasons  people seek help from a Clinical Solution-Focused Practitioner is in relation to areas of life connected to stress and, in ...

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April 2016 Newsletter

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Welcome to our first newsletter. This will be the first of our newsletters which will be sent out every two months. We hope you will enjoy reading about what is up-and-coming at the clinic and also the articles that will contain helpful tips to keep you happy and healthy.

As many of you know the clinic has grown from strength to strength in the past four years. We thank you for all of your support. Due to the success of the ...

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Helping to ease pain using Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

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From time to time, we can all experience those annoying little aches and pains in life, which can be frustrating and tiresome. From those sports injuries we incur during training regimes through to niggling issues that can sometimes make us feel a bit low.

Pain can be a very subjective experience for an individual and the Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy endeavours to help people who may be feeling some discomfort.

Pain messages travel into the brain where they are interpreted into uncomfortable sensations and ...

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Obsessive Compulsive Thinking (OCD)

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Do you ever struggle with unwanted and intrusive negative thoughts? Do you sometimes find yourself checking that the front door is locked or ensuring the kettle is definitely switched off for the umpteenth time? Do you find obsessive thinking is getting in the way of leading a positive life?

If the answer is “yes” then you may find Clinical Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy could help to ease your mind away from thinking endless negative thoughts which can lead to, in extreme cases, people ...

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Weight Control for Chocolate Lovers

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Do you love eating chocolate? It’s no surprise if you do as, apparently, we are a nation of chocolate lovers. For all who love chocolate, Easter is a very special time and very soon we can over-indulge ourselves in a chocolate Easter eggs binge and console ourselves that it is only once a year.

Unfortunately the pleasure of biting into that sugary chocolate mix, especially for those with a sweet tooth, can have a detrimental effect on our weight, particularly if ...

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Stress and Anxiety

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As  2016 gets underway and we settle back into the routine of our everyday routines then might it be time to stop, and start to empty some of the stress from your life?

If you find that you are perhaps getting a little tired, or that you are being snappy, struggling to sleep and letting worries get you down, then maybe it would be a good time to chat to a qualified and insured Solution Focused Hypnotherapy practitioner.

It can be that ...

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