The Hypno-Band was created and developed by John Maclean. While seeing many clients for weight loss therapy John realised that for those clients who had a high Body Mass Index (BMI) regular weight loss hypnotherapy was not enough.

The concept of gastric band hypnotherapy had been around for some time but John felt that what was needed was an integrated system that analysed and dealt with the client’s emotional and psychological reasons for over-eating. After many months of research and development the Hypno-Band was born and today it has become the world’s most used gastric band hypnotherapy system available through our network of Licensed Practitioners (over 1500) in 45 countries.

Using a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Hypnotherapy it will help your change your eating habits forever! If you are really committed to losing weight then the Hypno-Band will help you to achieve your goals. Designed for those with a BMI over 25 the Hypno-Band is a safe, risk free and a cheap alternative to Gastric Band Surgery.

Read Mr J’s story here – See how the Hypno-Band helped him lose 4 stone

Check Your BMI

Your BMI gives an indication of your health risks:

  • A BMI between 18 and 25 is regarded as “Normal”.
  • Between 25 and 30 is classed as “Overweight”.
  • Between 30 and 40 is in the “Obese” range.
  • If you have a BMI over 40 you are classed as “Morbidly Obese.”

Not only can obesity affect life expectancy it can be responsible for conditions such as: cardiovascular disease, diabetes Type II, stroke, cancer, joint problems such as osteoarthritis and high blood pressure.

It is caring about YOU, the client, and aims to help you achieve your goal of effective and sustainable weight loss.


What is the HYPNO-BAND weight loss system?
The HYPNO-BAND System is a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy techniques that helps you explore, analyse and change your eating habits. Then using the mind/body connection we fit a “virtual gastric band” to your stomach, helping you to eat less and less often.

Does it involve surgery?
No! the HYPNO-BAND system is a non-invasive behaviour changing method using the techniques of hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Does it hurt?
On the contrary. The HYPNO-BAND procedure is extremely relaxing and pleasurable.

Are there side effects?
No. There are no known side effects associated with undergoing this procedure.

So it’s safe?
Yes! the HYPNO-BAND system is perfectly safe.

Will I be under the hypnotherapists control?
Never. No hypnotherapist can make you do anything you do not want to do nor make you behave in a way you would not normally behave.

Am I suitable for the HYPNO-BAND weight loss system?
If you are over-weight and really want and are committed to losing weight then you should be suitable. The only exception would be if there is a physiological reason for your weight problems or if you are taking certain medications. Your suitability will be assessed at the initial session.

Will it work for me?
The key to success is YOU! No weight loss system will work unless you are committed to losing weight. You must be prepared to change your eating habits and life-style. If you are totally serious about losing weight then it will certainly work for you. The HYPNO-BAND system provides you with the tools and ability to lose weight and maintain a healthier body.

So how do I start?
Search for a Licensed Practitioner in your area by using our Find a Practitioner search or contact us via our contact page and we will start the process.

Is it guaranteed?
Like any medical or therapy procedure there can be no definite guarantees. Even a surgeon cannot guarantee that an actual gastric band will work. It should be noted that it is YOU that holds the key to losing weight. No system will work if you are not 100% committed. The mind is a very powerful instrument and by using the HYPNO-BAND system you will have the tools and power to change your eating habits. The only way to lose significant amounts of weight is to eat less! The HYPNO-BAND system helps you to change behaviour and life-style which in turn provides you with the ability to lose weight and stay that way!

What do you get for your money?
The HYPNO-BAND system comprises a series of one hour sessions plus cd or mp3 recordings which you use for reinforcement. A full dietary and medical history will be taken and an initial assessment done before commencing. Also in the first session you will be introduced to hypnosis and experience the fantastic feelings of relaxation and calmness which results from being hypnotized. We will also begin your journey to losing weight.

In the second session you will encounter the HYPNO-BAND and we will begin the process of having the virtual gastric band fitted. In subsequent sessions the HYPNO-BAND virtual gastric band will be fitted and adjusted.

In later sessions the process will be reinforced and you will learn a different way of eating. Following the sessions you should use your CD or MP3 to back-up and reinforce the work you have done.
