From time to time, we can all experience those annoying little aches and pains in life, which can be frustrating and tiresome. From those sports injuries we incur during training regimes through to niggling issues that can sometimes make us feel a bit low.
Pain can be a very subjective experience for an individual and the Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy endeavours to help people who may be feeling some discomfort.
Pain messages travel into the brain where they are interpreted into uncomfortable sensations and feelings. The aim of the therapy is to interrupt the pain signal with positive thinking techniques so the pain can then be eased. One of the main aims of each session is to focus on positivity to try to reduce the client’s stress levels. Combining positive thinking techniques and trance can help to reduce feelings of stress, which, in turn, can help us to cope better when faced with some types of pain.
Where Solution Focused Hypnotherapy may be able to assist is by helping someone to focus on calming, relaxation techniques. A relaxed positive state of mind encourages the production of serotonin, which is the naturally produced chemical that helps us cope with life. Serotonin can, in turn, interrupt pain signals being received in the brain. This is known as the ‘pain gate theory’ because the aim is to close a gate on the pain signal itself.
Medical issues should always be directed to a fully qualified doctor and people with chronic conditions and any on-going type of pain should, if they haven’t already done so, see their GP.
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