Whatever holiday you are planning, consider the following to stay with the lifestyle changes you have made or are working on. Here are some ideas to take the good habits on holiday with you.
- Breathing – Re-focus on your goals on waking up in the morning by taking one or two deep relaxing breaths. It will help and support you to start the day in a calm way.
- Eat and drink mindfully – Keep hydrated in the sun and if you are working on changing your eating behaviours, it may be an idea to have a glass of water before a meal. It helps to stop you from overeating.
- Social interaction – Be in each moment and use as many of your five senses as you can to enjoy each interaction, making them an uplifting experience.
- Maintain balance and moderation in all things. If you overindulge on one day, it does not mean you have to continue. Simply get back on track and remember that alcohol consumption generally leads to eating more than you need. Practise saying “No, thank you.”
- Exercise – Walk, swim, dance… whenever the opportunity arises.
- Sleep – Good sleep hygiene is important even on holiday. Make sure your sleep environment is comfortable and that you have taken the time to wind down before going to bed.
- Relax – Listening to music you enjoy will help you relax, and this in turn will support your interactions and your emotional wellbeing through the day.
- Stay focused on doing the best for your mind and body health. Once you have developed good new habits, keep reminding yourself of your goals. Although some flexibility may be needed, stay relatively consistent with your new patterns of behaviour.
- Build your confidence – Remind yourself of your past successes and continue to work on your current goals.
- Create harmony around you – Remember, you are with you 24/7 so express yourself positively, and it will help you maintain the motivation that has got you this far in achieving your goal. Lifestyle changes take dedication, determination and focus – even on holiday, but persistence will ensure you create good habits to last a life-time.
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